Six Scary Cute Treats to Make This Halloween

From vampire cakes to Mike Wazowski macarons, There's no shortage of fun Halloween recipes to make! Any of these halloween themed treats would be so impressive and FUN to bring to a Halloween party!

Many of these recipes use my super delicious Black Cocoa Cake with Black Cocoa Swiss Meringue Buttercream- its the ideal color for all halloween treats! Click on the title to be taken to the recipe!

Happy Halloween!

1. Buttermilk Black Cocoa Ghost Cake

halloween recipes

This is a layered cake made with black cocoa powder and frosted with black cocoa Swiss meringue buttercream. The black cocoa powder is where it gets it's all-natural rich black color from!

This Halloween cake is festively decorated with little ghosts made from white candy melts. The eyes are drawn on with black food coloring marker. To see a video of how these cute ghosts are made, check out my Reels page on Instagram!

2. Mike Wazowski Macarons

halloween recipes

Any other Monsters Inc. fans out there?! I was developing a recipe for matcha macarons for a client, when I had a few failed test batches. At first I was disappointed, but when brainstorming how I can repurpose the failed macaron shells, I immediately thought Mike Wazowski! I mean, they were perfectly round and just the right shade of green so it was a no-brainer.

His horns and his is eyes are made out of white candy melts. I separated the melted candy into several batches to color with food coloring for the different parts.

To get the eyeballs perfectly round around the edges and the right size for the macaron, I trimmed the eyeballs with the opening of a large piping tip.

You could totally make these proper macarons by filling them and then decorating with the eyeball and horns for a super impressive, fun Halloween treat!

3. Skeleton Cakes

halloween recipes

When I saw this dancing skeleton cake pan at HomeGoods back in August, I knew I needed to get it! I baked my black cocoa cake into the skeleton shaped pan and then dusted the cakes with powdered sugar to make the bone details stand out. Tip: to get rid of excess powdered sugar that's not on the "bones" use a wet q-tip to dissolve the powdered sugar.

You could also use white icing to trace the bones and make them stand out!

4. Halloween Peeps Cupcakes With Whipped Matcha Ganache Frosting

When I bought these halloween Peeps at the grocery store, I didn't know what I was going to do with them but they were too cute not to snatch up right away! I decided on topping some Halloween cupcakes with them and using matcha ganache for the frosting. The cake is my buttermilk black cocoa cake (are you surprised? It's just too perfect for Halloween!)

I chose whipped matcha ganache because I absolutely love the natural green color that comes from the matcha. It just screams witchy, spooky, Halloween goo vibes. I also think the color pairs so nicely for Halloween with the black cake.

Whipped matcha ganache is also only 3 ingredients and super easy to make, which is another huge bonus! You can use it on any of your halloween treats for a spooky green pop of color.

5. Cinnamon Maple Frosted Sugar Cookies

halloween recipes

Cinnamon maple frosted sugar cookies are lightly spiced with cinnamon and flavored with maple syrup. The cookies are super soft and cake-like, and topped with a thick layer of cinnamon maple buttercream.

Decorate these with halloween sprinkles, royal icing spiderwebs, DIY candy witch hats, edible glitter... the list is endless! You can even color the frosting on top any color you want (black and orange for Halloween, obviously!)

The ones here are decorated with edible glitter, sparkles drawn on with royal icing, and witch hats drawn with colored candy melts.

6. Vampire Cake

This red velvet cake is surrounded by a fluffy layer of black cocoa Swiss meringue buttercream. The "bloody" drip is made with royal icing, and the vampire lips and fangs are drawn with colored candy melts! The sticks they are attached to were originally white, but I dipped them in more colored candy melts to match the cake better. The vampire lips are made shiny and sparkly thanks to red sprinkles.

Let me know if you make any of these Halloween recipes! You can tag me on Instagram at @lalaskitchentable.


Small Batch Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins


Cinnamon Maple Frosted Sugar Cookies